Owlet app not working? How to fix

Tim Vickers

When the Owlet app is not working, parents who rely on it will find it hard to monitor their babies’ well-being.

The critical nature of this app means that you need to fix it instantly. However, before applying any fix, it is important to know what causes this app to be problematic and how you can fix the issue.

Some users have complained of the Owlet app crashing while others say that it doesn’t open at all. All these issues could arise from a bug either in the app or your Android or iOS device.

No matter the cause of the issue, here are steps you can follow to fix it.

Steps to fix Owlet app when it is not working

Follow the steps below to fix Owlet app when it isn’t working.

Step 1: Close the app

The first thing you would want to do in case your app won’t log in or the app doesn’t work is to close it. Simply tapping on the exit button doesn’t always do it.

There are times when the app freezes and fails to shut. In such an instance the best thing to do is force the app to close. To do that follow the steps given below.

  1. Check your open apps. Do this by clicking on the home button twice in quick succession.
  2. Identify the app. From the list appearing swipe until you find the application
  3. Once you are on the app, swipe up on the screen to close the app.
  4. Wait for about 3 minutes and then relaunch the app.
See Also:  How to turn on/off or reset an Owlet Sock

For those with android devices, on the home screen press the rectangle key. The open app will be displayed, identify the app and select force close option. After a few minutes relaunch the application.

Step 2: Power cycle your system

This applies when the Owlet app always searching for the base station. This occurs as a result of very occasional unplanned outages.

With the servers that Owlet uses to store data on your phone. The application, however, offers notification for such events.

If there is no notification do the following;

  1. Exit the application
  2. Unplug the base station from its power source
  3. Wait for one minute and plug it back into a power source
  4. Reopen the app and check if it functions properly.

Here is a detailed guide on how to reset the Owlet base station.

Step 3: Verify your network settings

Owlet will give you a request timeout error when trying to connect to an incompatible network. The owlet base station cannot connect to hidden networks, cellular networks or 5G networks.

Most devices have their own preferences for selecting wireless networks.

Ensure your base station and mobile phone are connected to the same network that is compatible with both devices.

Follow these steps when connecting the base station.

  1. Manually forget all unsupported networks such as 5G
  2. Connect the base station
  3. Connect your phone to the same network as the base station
  4. Register your account.

Network configurations are so important since if you get them wrong you won’t set up anything else correctly.

The most preferred network for the base station is the 2.4G band wireless network. This can be used on phones and the station successfully.

See Also:  How to reset the Owlet base station in a few simple steps

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