Snapchat has a range of features that can transform your selfies with special effects and accessories. Unlike before, when the messaging app only had flower crowns and cat ears generated by its algorithms, nowadays anybody can make a filter and share for others to use.
Despite being available in plenty, the drawback is that it is difficult to search for filters on Snapchat. If you want to get these filters, you will have to search the whole app to find one or two that are ideal for you.
Furthermore, some lenses are locked. That means you will have to figure out how to unlock these Snapchat filters before you can use them.
Understand that when you search or unlock any feature, you will have to add it to Snapchat so that you can use it on your selfies.
3 ways to search and get Snapchat filters
Here are 3 ways to search for filters on Snapchat:
1. Use Lens Explorer
The Snapchat Lens Explorer is an application that allows you to browse thousands of lenses created by other users. To search for filters using the feature:
- Tap the smiling face icon on your camera screen to bring the Lens Carousel.
- With the Lens Carousel open, swipe your camera screen up to open the Lens Explorer.
- You should see Community Lenses.
- Under the community lenses, tap on any feature you want to add to your snap.
At this point, you can add any of the few lenses or filters displayed. If you want more, you can search for lenses on Snapchat by exploring the community to view more choices.
2. Unlock a lens
The messaging app has tons of locked lenses or filters. You need to unlock them before you can use them for your snaps. Here is how.
- Open the Lens Explorer.
- Ensure the Lens Carousel is active.
- When active, tap on the new icon that appears.
- Tap on any lens tile you see to unlock a feature.
After tapping on any lens tile, the app will take you directly to the Snap Camera. If you do not want to go to the camera, you can search for more Snapchat filters by browsing Lenses in features stories.
Note that you can also unlock any filter by swiping them up in the stories.
3. Access and Enable filters
You must enable Filters through the Snapchat Settings to use the feature. First, enable Location from your device. To enable filters:
- Go to Settings from Snapchat
- Under Additional Services, tap Manage
- Toggle Filters On
Once you toggle on, you will be able to search for them in the Community Lenses. Unlock them and add to your Snaps.
After the launch of the Lens Studio, Snapchat users have submitted tons of unique filters. But since it is difficult to search for them at once, the messaging app introduced the Lens Explorer.
With this feature, it means all Community Lenses are now more discoverable together with the Lens Carousel. That makes it easier to get more Snapchat lenses and play with them in your snaps.