What does “reviewed not selected” mean iCIMS?

Tim Vickers

Applying for jobs through the iCIMS portal makes it easier for you to keep tabs on your application status.

The iCIMS system keeps applicants up to date with statuses. This way an applicant understands where they are in the application process.

Depending on the application stage, you will receive “Interview Scheduled”, “Reviewed Not Selected”, “Offer Requested”, or “Interview Not Selected” on your iCIMS application status.

If iCIMS shows “reviewed not selected”, it means the hiring manager has assessed your application but has decided not to proceed with it to the next stage. It is quite unfortunate, especially if you were looking forward to positive feedback on the iCIMS job status.

But there is more to it.

“Reviewed not selected” on iCIMS explained

Companies receive hundreds or thousands of applications whenever they post a job opening. However, they can’t employ every applicant because of limited vacancies. So they find a way to reduce and eliminate applications while reviewing to get their desired candidate.

Applications on the iCIMS portal are categorized into “Interview Scheduled” or “Reviewed Not Selected” after review from the hiring manager. There are various ways you can interpret the latter if it’s your iCIMS application status.

Your application has been rejected

Rejected job application
Image: Orange Duke

Seeing the phrase “reviewed not selected” on your iCIMS job status simply means you were not chosen for further interviews after your application was evaluated.

The hiring manager is unwilling to move forward with your application process. He or she probably thinks you are not suitable for the position.

Normally, such a statement would be an internal record. It notes that your resume was reviewed in conjunction with the job posting but that you were not chosen for an interview. It means you will neither be scheduled for an interview nor get the job.

However, that does not mean that you’re not eligible for hire. You can continue sending applications or try applying for a different position.

Do not contact the company inquiring about the application status

At times you send job applications and never get to hear from them. It leaves you wondering what the status of the application is or even if the company received it in the first place.

Companies use iCIMS for job applications to find a simple and easy way to get back to applicants in regards to their application status.

“Reviewed not selected” is the company’s way of notifying you they received your application, had a look at it but eventually rejected it.

Therefore, there is no need to contact the company and inquire about your application as they are not proceeding with it.

Do not reapply unless your application has significant changes

Part of the reason iCIMS shows “reviewed not selected” on your portal is that your resume or application didn’t qualify. It did not meet the requirement of the hiring manager.

There is no need of reapplying, especially with the same resume, even if you feel you’re suitable for the position.

If you wish to reapply, it’s advisable to make changes to your resume. You can get professional assistance to create a better resume before you reapply for the job.

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