How to remove negative feedback on eBay

Tim Vickers

While many sellers on eBay strive to satisfy their customers, sometimes some transactions do not go as planned. For example, shipment problems may cause a delay in the delivery of a buyer’s items. Or, the purchased product could arrive with some defects.

Other issues may also arise that propel a buyer to write negative feedback on the sale. Negative feedbacks on eBay ruin your businesses. Unless the issue is within your control, you may have to figure out how to remove negative feedback on eBay.

Unfortunately, when an unhappy buyer writes negative feedback, it will reflect on a seller’s feedback profile. As a seller, you will need to do some work to try and remove the negative feedback.

For example, you can respond to the buyer and address their concern or explain your situation. But can you get negative feedback removed on eBay?

Here is what you should do to remove negative feedback from eBay:

1. Respond to the buyer’s feedback

The easiest step is to respond to the buyer’s feedback positively or try to explain your side of the story. Here is how to respond to negative feedback on eBay:

  • Visit eBay and log in to your seller account.
  • Click on your Feedback Profile
  • Select Reply and Feedback.
  • Locate the customer’s feedback.
  • From the Action section, click on Reply.
  • Type in your reply by asking the buyer to change the feedback.
  • Click on Leave Reply.
Note that you only have one chance to reply to eBay negative feedback. That means you cannot retract or edit what you have replied.

2. Request a buyer to revise the feedback

If the buyer’s comment is incorrect, you can begin the eBay negative feedback removal process by contacting them and explaining why they should revise the feedback. Here is how:

  • Visit eBay and log in to your account.
  • Click on your Feedback Profile
  • Open the Request Feedback Revision
  • Select the buyer’s feedback entry that you would like revised.
  • Under the Give the buyer a reason for the request section, choose a reason for your request.
  • Type in any other information that will convince the buyer to revise their feedback.
  • Click on Send.
See Also:  How to back out of a bid on eBay (even after winning)

Understand that the buyer may or may not decide to revise the feedback. It is eBay’s position that you respect their decision.

3. Ask eBay to remove the negative feedback

You can also contact eBay for feedback removal. The only way of doing that is if:

  • You can prove you provided enough information to the buyer.
  • The feedback has inappropriate content.
  • The buyer has made false allegations.
  • The buyer failed to pay for the items.
  • The negative comment is a direct result of a problem on the eBay website.

Start by logging in to your account and use the seller reporting hub to ask eBay to remove the negative feedback.

Negative feedback shouldn’t hold you back!

As a seller, you do not have to use any eBay negative feedback removal tool if you know you are the right and the buyer is wrong.

All you have to do is to convince them to remove the negative comment by telling them your side of the story. If that does not work, contact eBay and ask them to remove the feedback.

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