

5 ways to get free stuff from eBay in 2024

eBay has many lucrative features on its platform that allow buyers to purchase low-cost items. For example, it has Best Offer, which lets a buyer offer the seller a price they are willing to pay for an item. The seller can accept, reject, or counter the offer by proposing another amount. If both parties agree, the buyer will get the product lower than the initially stated price. But did you also know that you can get free stuff on eBay without paying ...

Thumbs up ebay

How to remove negative feedback on eBay

While many sellers on eBay strive to satisfy their customers, sometimes some transactions do not go as planned. For example, shipment problems may cause a delay in the delivery of a buyer’s items. Or, the purchased product could arrive with some defects. Other issues may also arise that propel a buyer to write negative feedback on the sale. Negative feedbacks on eBay ruin your businesses. Unless the issue is within your control, you may have to figure out how to ...


How to back out of a bid on eBay (even after winning)

Sellers on eBay have the autonomy of not selling their products. They can do that if a buyer has too many unpaid bids, they are unable to verify the identity of a bidder, or they want to end their listing because they have sold off their items. As a buyer, you can also retract a bid on eBay. However, you must follow a specific process to back out of a sale. That is because bidding means you are entering into ...