How to play Archery in GamePigeon for iPhone, iPad

Tim Vickers

Playing games on iMessage is a unique way to engage your friends. Archery is one of the games in Gamepigeon and it is fun to play if you know how to go about it.

It also gets better if you have some neat tips to help you maneuver it. This will be your ultimate guide in enjoying Archery as it outlines for you the rules, strategies, tips, and tricks.

Rules of Archery

The game involves two players where the first player takes a turn at the game. After going through the round the first player texts back the game to the opponent.

A player has three tries per round and the one who wins more points in all the tries wins the entire game.

On the board, there are ten rings in different colors. The farthest rings are white and hold the least points. As the rings keep coming closer to the center, the more points they hold.

archery on GamePigeon

Therefore, the yellow rings have the largest pool of points and the final yellow ring is in the best target shot called the bullseye.

The game has a timer that gives a player time to prepare their aim and at the end of the clock, the arrow is automatically set off.

How to play Archery in iMessage games

To play, an opponent pulls the arrow on the screen in either direction.

After factoring in the wind strength and making an aim, the player then releases the arrow by taking their finger off the screen.

To make your gameplay better, here are some of the strategies to follow:

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Your main focus is to find a perfect aim and gain maximum points in all your tries to defeat your opponent.

Take into consideration the wind speed and a proper arrow direction. The wind direction can increase or decrease for a more difficult but fun game.

If you play first, aim at gaining top scores to increase your chances of winning. As a second player, you can take advantage of knowing your opponent’s scores to aim higher and win the game.

It is important to remember that the Archery game is extremely sensitive. Take aim and adjust without making sudden movements as this may set off the arrow.

GamePigeon Archery cheats/tips and tricks

archery game

To compensate for the wind direction, factor in an extra ring in your aim. By swiping accordingly, you can find a close or a right shot to the bullseye.

One GamePigeon Archery hack that is very important is to make a spot-on-yellow aim. This will reduce your chances of aiming too low or away from the board.

There are two archery iMessage game cheats that are easy to apply. They are:

  • Using zoom. A good GamePigeon Archery cheat is to use zoom to magnify your board for better and sharper focus. You can access the zoom settings from the settings app.
  • Allow the red line to come all the way up before releasing the arrow. Use the maximum time given by the timer to consider the wind strength and direction before releasing the arrow.


The GamePigeon Archery game is accessible and easy to play especially because it does not have any stringent instructions.

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The three tries per round also make it easy for two opponents to finalize a complete game without having to drag on for too long.

Armed with the cheat and tips available, you can enjoy some simple game of Archery anytime.


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