How to cancel Autoship on Chewy (even after first order)

When you order a product on and enrol in the Autoship program, Chewy will notify you that it has created and approved your Autoship subscription. It will then process your first order immediately and charge you when you place the order.

Your Autoship subscription will, after that, automatically create a new order. If you do not want this new order, you can cancel Chewy Autoship after your first order.

Chewy offers several methods for cancelling your Autoship subscription. Here is how to do it.

How to cancel Autoship on Chewy

You can cancel Autoship on Chewy online, via phone, or email.

Cancel Chewy Autoship online

  • Log in to your Chewy account.
  • Go to Manage Autoship.
  • Select the Autoship you want to cancel.
  • Click on Cancel This Autoship at the bottom of the page.

Chewy will stop your Autoship subscription, including future payments and shipments. You can also use the above steps to cancel Autoship on the Chewy app.

Cancel Chewy Autoship via phone

You can use your phone to cancel Chewy Autoship after your first order. Here is what to do:

  • Call Chewy customer service at 1-800-672-4399.
  • Request the service to remove the Autoship feature from your account.

Customer support will take a few minutes to remove Autoship from your account.

Cancel Chewy Autoship via email

The third option for cancelling Chewy Autoship is via email. Here is how:

  • Send an email to
  • Let the email subject be Autoship Cancellation Request.
  • Include your account information.

Chewy will review your email, confirm your identity, and end your Autoship subscription.

How to remove an item from Chewy Autoship

Sometimes, people cancel their Chewy Autoship subscription because the items they want to purchase have become too expensive.

Rather than cancelling the entire service, they reduce the number of items on their Autoship.

Here is how to remove an item from Autoship:

  • Log in to your Chewy account.
  • Go to Manage Autoship.
  • Select your Autoship order.
  • For the item you wish to remove, click on the Remove button.
  • Confirm your choice to remove the item from your Autoship order.

You will not see the item you removed from Autoship when your next order arrives.

Alternatively, you can delay your Chewy Autoship subscription and skip a shipment.

  • Log in to your Chewy account.
  • Go to Manage Autoship.
  • Click on the Autoship you want to change.
  • To delay your order, click on the white button labelled Skip Shipment.

Chewy will skip the next shipment of your Autoship subscription.

What cancelling Chewy Autoship means

If you cancel your Autoship on Chewy, the following things will happen:

  • You will not receive future shipments of the items in your Autoship subscription.
  • Chewy will not charge you for future shipments of the items in your Autoship subscription.
  • If you cancel your Autoship 48 hours or more before your next shipment, Chewy will abort your next shipment.
  • If you cancel your Autoship after shipment, the company will still charge you for it.
  • If you received a discount on your first Autoship order, cancelling the Autoship subscription may result in losing that discount.

You can cancel your Autoship subscription anytime without incurring any fees or penalties.

What is the cost charged for an Autoship order?

When you subscribe for Chewy Autoship, here is what you will incur.

  • The cost charged to your payment method for each Autoship order will be the item’s price.
  • The amount will be less than the Autoship & Save discount or any other discount.
  • The cost will include shipping charges and sales tax.

If you have any credit balances on your account, the service may apply them towards the balance of your order before charging any remaining balance to your payment method.

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